Unibet Moves All Poker Matches Online For The Rest Of 2020

- Unibet announced today that all land-based poker tournaments will now be played online for the rest of the year.
- The Spring Edition of the Unibet Open Online Tournament will be May 24-25.
LONDON, U.K. — Unibet, one of the biggest poker providers in the world, announced today that all land-based poker events have now been moved to their online poker rooms for the remainder of 2020. These decisions come in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic which has shut down retail casinos for the past month and a half.
“This is not a decision we have taken lightly,” said Nataly Sopacuaperu, Unibet’s head of events. “We fully understand the impact to our partners and the land-based venues, however, as a priority, we must consider not only the health of our customers but also the difficulty for recreational players with regards to planning trips around uncertainty.” *
Moving all of their events online isn’t the first time Unibet has had to adjust to keep its events alive. In March, Unibet decided to combine the Open Tallinn tournament with the Unibet online series VIII. The merger created a special €1 million dollars guaranteed series that features 132 events and will end with the €1100 buy-in Unibet Open Main Event that starts on May 24th.
“We know some people will be disappointed, the team here certainly is, we love the live events!” said Kristoffer Bergvall, Unibet’s head of poker. “That said, we are all in agreement that this is the best way to ensure the consistency and reliability that people have come to expect from our product, and the online room is better equipped than ever to house our land-based fans.”
Unibet moving all online is what the new normal has become as more and more legal gambling events are going online for the foreseeable future. As countries try to contain the COVID-19 pandemic expect the new normal to be online as a cure hopes to be found soon.
Unibet Open Online 2020 Dates
- Spring Edition: May 24-25
- Fall Edition: September (Dates TBD)
- Winter Edition: December (Dates TBD)