New Jersey Could Be Betting On Their Own College Events Soon

- There will be two ballot questions to expand gambling in New Jersey seen on November 2.
- Question one in in regards to expanding collegiate betting on New Jersey teams and events.
- Question two is about non-profit organizations using gaming as a way of raising funds.
TRENTON N.J. - Citizens will soon be voting on two different gaming-related issues for the future of the gambling industry in New Jersey.
Expanded New Jersey Collegiate Team Betting
Come November 2, New Jersey residents will vote on two public ballot questions regarding amending the state's constitution.
The first ballot question asks to permit expanded wagering on collegiate teams and athletic events.
While New Jersey gambling laws already allow wagering on college teams and events that take place outside of the state, wagering on in-state events, or New Jersey teams is still prohibited. This ballot gives New Jersey residents a chance to change that if they want to.
Raffle And Other Gaming Allowances For Non-Profits
The second ballot question would amend the constitution to allow non-profit organizations to offer raffles and other games to help fund their events.
“Many non-profits have seen major financial set-backs over the last year. We have seen that allowing veterans and senior citizen groups to use the proceeds from bingo and raffles has helped them tremendously and it is time we expanded those benefits to more groups,” said Yvonne Lopez, a New Jersey assembly democrat member.
New Jersey already has a vibrant and active gambling community, and is currently the top sports betting state in the country, so these amendments could further expand the state’s thriving gaming industry.
Residents will have the chance to make their voices heard on this New Jersey legal gambling issue on November 2.